Monday, June 1, 2009

God's Gift(s)

God is all around us and sometimes he gives us things that we never know about until we stop and think about it. My life is so crazy these days with weddings to plan, new son-in-laws to welcome and now we have more to celebrate. Just when cancer was striking us with my dad and my brother-in-law, we were given the news that both Breanne and Nicole will be mother's at the end of this year. So that makes me a true Grandmother - soon to be 50 years old and a Grandma. Whether the girls planned this or not, we thank God for 2 little miracles that will be here later in 2009. At first I wasn't sure how to feel about this, but this is not my decision or my way of starting out life with just getting married. If God has allowed these girls to become mother's, who I am stand and judge. I can only support and pray that things will go well for both of my girls and help out where I can. We believe that God lends us our children to teach us about life and in return Grandchildren are given in the same way. We are here to be examples of Christ followers and not to be the judge & jury.


Brandi said...

Amen! good for you for not letting the hypocritical judgers get you down. God is putting two little blessings in your life :)

'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'

Brandi said...

ps - i know that you will fulfill God's wish by being the Godliest grandma you can be, and you and jack will live out great examples for them...i just know it!

Anonymous said...

Brandi, you are so kind and so full of wisdom. Thank you for sharing from your heart. And as you know, we all try to lead by example. Thanks again. Gerri