Everywhere we go and every person that we talk to, talks about the "c" word. We just can't get away from that. The update on my dad is that he has an aneurysm on his aorta. He also has a lymph node on his kidney that is infected and so more information is needed on both issues. Surgery is an option for the aneurysm, but again until he has an MRI test he must just wait. Many people live day to day with aneurysm and never know when it will burst. The lymph node is more than likely a continuation from his lymphoma that he had several years ago. We must be patient and have belief that the doctors can further investigate and get to the bottom of his ailments.
My brother-in-law, Steph has now read lots of information to inform himself better. He realizes that his cancer must be tackled sooner rather than later, so that is good. Again we must have faith and be patient for his outcome.
Why is it that everyone we talk to is feeling the same thing - they must have patience? I'm sure that we aren't born with and some learn it over the years and some (like myself) can't wait to find some. I have never been patient and yet some how I have no choice but to develop some. This is a difficult time and yet I know that God is here to help us. He is always walking with us during our times of difficult and he is always there when things are good. We just have to find the strength to believe. Thank you to everyone that sent there prayers our way, they were so needed and appreciated. I know that in the next couple of weeks answers will be found and then decisions will have to be made. But I trust that God will be there to help along the way.
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