Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Peace of Mind

I just had the best evening made up of sharing and forgiving! Have you ever done that and walked away feeling like you were floating? I won't go into details but for almost one full year I have been carrying this burden around that needed to be put to rest for good. And after 11 months, I finally have realized that I needed to extend GRACE to someone and have a heart to heart discussion. After much idle chit chat we got down to the nitty gritty of our disagreements. We talked about would-of; could-of; should-of kind of discussion and after some laughter, tears and heart-to-heart understanding, I felt a peace about me. I felt the presence of God and knew that I had bared my soul and am now at peace. I hope that I had that kind of impact on my fellow listener. My prayer is now that God continue to give me strength, guidance but most of all peace in my surroundings. May God continue to be with Jack and I as we get stronger in being one. No matter what is thrown our way, we will always be together as one.


Anonymous said...

Bravo Gerri. God bless you.

Brandi said...

what a great story - that took guts...more people could learn from your example!!