Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nearing the End

What would it be like to be nearing the end of our life? Would it be scary? Would we be afraid? If we were still able to communicate, we would say the things to family that we wanted them to hear or would be want to make them feel good about life with out us? Right now my dear uncle is in this exact predicament. He has now been moved to palliative care in the hospital and will be kept comfortable. Between the brain tumors turning to decay and the multiple blood clots in his lungs, life as he knows will be over.
Jack (with all his books) read me a passage about a man's wife who was dying. The wife began to live each day with tremendous clarity and love. When it was nearly the end her husband got the courage to ask her a question - What does it feel like to live each day knowing you are dying? She said to him, What does it feel like to live each day pretending that you are not? Isn't this how we all feel when we visit someone nearing death? Unsure if it will be the last time we talk to them; are we searching to say the right thing; do we want to tell them that they are the best person they have ever uncle is telling family right now that he is very tired and that he just wants to go and meet up with his grandson who left us at the age of 6, some 19 years ago. Now to me, that is hope. It is the strength from inside that tells him that there is something better for him on the other side and that a very special family member is waiting for him.
Now I sit and wait for my call (perhaps the last conversation) from a dear uncle. Jack had his call this afternoon and Jack says the conversation left Dana in tears and I'm sure Jack as well. I know that it won't be easy but I think that the truth and assurance that we will always be there for my aunt will help ease his mind.
God Speed my dear Uncle will be missed but I know that Kevin is waiting for you and one day we will all be reunited together. The pain will ease for you and in time our pain will be diminished as well but your memory will always be one filled with joy, happiness and much love. Love you lots.......

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